
Showing posts from September, 2019

In denial: Happy Science on love and war (well mainly war) and myself on an abortion of a journalism career

Perhaps some cause for full disclosure here. Why am I so interested in a kooky New Age groupuscule whose TGIF is paranormal Q&A sessions? Surely the only reasonable response to this Close Encounter with the Weird Kind is to bash out a brief, smart-alecky hatchet job, Vice-style, and forget it ever happened? (Or better yet just read n’ retweet Vice’s actual version of events. For all my griping, I can’t do what they do so well) The answer – and don’t forget it’s a very personal one - lies in Happy Science’s almost unique position in the uncomfortable overlap between faith and politics. I’m increasingly fascinated by those who calmly stare down the warnings from today’s legion secularists, and bestride, Colossus-like, the supposedly unbreachable chasm between church (or temple as the case may be) and state. As you’d expect, I have found very few outlets for this guilty pleasure, so for now I am prepared to accept the rough with the smooth when I encounter a new specimen, whether th...

From Japan With Love...Wisdom, Self-Reflection & Progress: Happy Science on Temple & State (Part II)

I’ve just asked the young lady who hosted the event if there is someone I can interview. Her eyes have lit up – she knows just the chap for me, and politely disappears for a few minutes. She comes back beaming and takes me downstairs to the main room in the building, to introduce me to the head of Public Relations at Happy Science.  More people have heard the Iron Lady out in this nucleus of the temple – clearly where the hardcore crowd is at. But it’s time for them to go too now; a row of hipsters arises and ambles to the exit, nodding their thanks to an elder Japanese gentleman, who smiles benignly and is bedecked by a clerical stole draped over his shoulders. Around his neck there is the – I am realising – ubiquitous gold-tinted pendant bearing the initials ‘R.O.’ for Ryuho Okawa (or ‘O.R.’ to be more culturally accurate). The PR guy, as you might expect, is a more functionally attired gent – but also one with a prior engagement. I assure them that I have plenty of ti...

Raising Thatcher: a Japanese new religion has an important spiritual message for the UK - via the soul of a deceased former PM (Part I)

It sounded too wonderfully bonkers to resist. A Japanese séance contacting the spirit of the deceased Baroness Thatcher and quizzing her for guidance on Brexit? And on Friday 13th to boot? Yes please. As someone who stresses as much as anyone about the fate of our island nation as we attempt to leave the EU, and, spiritually speaking, as one who has lately oriented East as a means of bolstering his anaemic Christianity. Furthermore as a fan of Louis Theroux's earlier work, that explored deliciously countercultural worldviews as opposed to his more recent rather hand-wringing interest in junkies, convicts and otherwise blameless folk with an addiction to buying pets that might kill them, Happy Science's offer of a spiritual message from the late Iron Lady was an offer I couldn't refuse. In any case, dead or alive, she was bound to be more coherent than Emily Thornbury.                          ...