In denial: Happy Science on love and war (well mainly war) and myself on an abortion of a journalism career
Perhaps some cause for full disclosure here. Why am I so interested in a kooky New Age groupuscule whose TGIF is paranormal Q&A sessions? Surely the only reasonable response to this Close Encounter with the Weird Kind is to bash out a brief, smart-alecky hatchet job, Vice-style, and forget it ever happened? (Or better yet just read n’ retweet Vice’s actual version of events. For all my griping, I can’t do what they do so well) The answer – and don’t forget it’s a very personal one - lies in Happy Science’s almost unique position in the uncomfortable overlap between faith and politics. I’m increasingly fascinated by those who calmly stare down the warnings from today’s legion secularists, and bestride, Colossus-like, the supposedly unbreachable chasm between church (or temple as the case may be) and state. As you’d expect, I have found very few outlets for this guilty pleasure, so for now I am prepared to accept the rough with the smooth when I encounter a new specimen, whether th...